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Over 25 years ago we started our retail business in Long Island, New York and our focus was reselling goods, antique reproductions, and refinishing furniture. Customers would come from miles away to find great deals and one-of-a-kind pieces. We were determined to provide the best service possible along with the best price and that philosophy has not changed. Today our business is located in Naples, Florida and we carry fine outdoor patio furniture sets including brands like: Patio Renaissance, Telescope Casual, Hanamint, Designing Fire, Mallin, Firetainment and more. We pride ourselves in excellent customer service, FREE shipping in the continental US, and very competitive pricing. Our trained and knowledgeable customer service team is available to help you every step of the way as you design your personal outdoor oasis, from recommending products to assisting you with Sunbrella fabric and finish choices so that you can better envision your outdoor space before making your selection for your Patio Sets. Here in southwest Florida we even make house calls in the early stages of your design process if you need assistance in planning your outdoor areas.